We know what
you really need
with a Top-Tier MasterEdu
MasterEdu is proud to be a member of SIMI Swiss
MasterEdu is a faculty of Swiss EduSchool (member of SIMI Swiss), with the goal of establishing and delivering the best Master of Education program in Switzerland and Europe. SIMI is the first accredited institute of higher education in Zug, Switzerland with comprehensive accreditation.
The Distinction of MasterEdu
Powered by SIMI Swiss
Academic Support
Global Colloquium
Mapping to National Occupational Standards
MasterEdu is one of the rare programs in the world that fully integrates the UK and European National Occupational Framework to ensure that the program outcome meets the expectations of an increasingly volatile and complex business environment.
Integrating activities
to ensure pursuing an
MasterEdu is a smart investment.
Micro Credentials
Students receive 30 integrated micro-credentials within MasterEdu Swiss
Global Colloquium
Join the Global Colloquium online or on campus to stay updated
Academic Support
Academic support and tutoring from local partners help overcome barriers
Educational Networking
Expand your educational & business network through local and on-campus activities
Academic Support for MasterEdu
All students enrolled in the MasterEdu program receive academic support from local partners to help them overcome barriers associated with such a prestigious program. With this support, students can focus solely on the most important task—learning to acquire knowledge and skills.